Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Network Marketing – It’s Not What You Think

Why do so many people frown at network marketing? What’s wrong with owning your own business? Working for yourself? Having no bosses or corporate politics?

The myth of network marketing has been perpetuated by many scams. This is unfortunate because network marketing is truly a business that allows the ‘normal’ person to achieve success.

Benefits include:

No Upfront Costs – The upfront costs for starting your own network marketing business is so low that it should be non-existent. To start a restaurant franchise would costs about $40,000 on the low end. Starting a network marketing business can be as low as $40.

No Overhead – Typically, there is zero overhead for running your own multi-level marketing business. In companies where there is a product, it may require a minimum product purchase each month, but this is very insignificant compared to the money that you can earn.

No Employees – The idea of having employees sounds great! This means that you have people working for you. But do those people have your same interest at heart? Employees have a ‘renters’ mentality which means that they do not work for you. They work for the check. Multi-level marketing offers a chance to have business partners. Not employees. So each person in your organization are vested 100%.

Global Opportunity – Unless the company is operating in a highly regulated industry (i.e. insurance/real estate), you can practically do business anywhere on Earth. This is a major plus for network marketing. Not being confined to a geographic area gives you the chance to scale your business. If you want to operate in 1 country you can.

Part Time – YOU DO NOT HAVE TO QUIT YOUR JOB. Multi-level marketing gives you the chance to transition out of Corporate America into the sea of entrepreneurialism. There is no other model that allows you to do that. Opening a traditional franchise will require you to quit your job and deploy all of your monetary resources to that business.

Taxes – The tax formula for opening your own business is very different from that of an employee. As an employee, the more you make, the more they take. As a business owner, the more you make, the more you keep. You use your funds to invest in your business or any other investment vehicle that will make you more money. Ever wonder why millionaires pay a less percentage in taxes that you do?

Professional Develop – Finally, growing and maturing professionally is the most important quality of network markting. You are surrounded by people that want to help you succeed. In corporate America, the job is what’s important. Not you. In multi-level marketing, you are the most important resource.

Network marketing makes total sense. If you have a small bit of dissatisfaction with your current employment, you should certainly consider network marketing as a part-time alternative.

Brandon Barclow is a professional network marketer. He has built a dynamic organization utilizing webinar technology. To learn more about his business and his webinars, please visit Change Your Life Forever.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Barclow

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